
World's First Succesful Mars and Kepler-452 Habitat

Start The Journey


Welcome to the one and only first Succesful Mars and Kepler-452 Habitat, We would like you to have a look on our Models and our Blueprints for the prototypes of our PBL

Main Aim

Our main aim is to make a sustainable and cheap habitat which will allow us to survive safely in spacea as we will be testing on Mars and Kepler-452 using the Biodome, Space Suit and the Rocket

Problems to Tackle

- How to get Oxygen there?
- How to implement Chemistry, Physics and Biology into it?
- The environment on Mars and Kepler-452?
- How are we going to transport the materials?


Check out the great prototypes of our project

Can we survive in space?

Yes we can! With the right team, SSFIM and the best equipment and safest equipment possible.

K-452 Space Suit

With our premium K-452 Space Suit which can handle the most extreme hazards possible this suit will always be with you.

K-452 Rocket

Top of the line safest and recycleable rocket with alot of features which make it shine between other rockets.

K-452 Dome

Safest Dome which is suitable and compatible with any planet with alot features including emergenccy systems...


Check out our blueprints for our prototypes

K-452 Rocket Model

K-452 Rocket Details

K-452 Suit Model

K-452 Suit Details

K-452 Dome

K-452 Dome Details

See More


Frequently Asked Questions

  • Cosmic radiation and hazardous environments to human-specific conditions such as space adaptation syndrome (motion sickness), spatial memory, visual motor performance

  • We must have food, water, air, and shelter to survive becuase this is the basic needs for a human to survive

  • We are implanting Physics for the waves in space part and the model is the astronaut, in Chemistry we are gonna use the combustion system in the rocket and Biology we are doing the biodome and implanting all the sciences there but now Chemistry is for electrolysis.

  • Flying through outer space has dramatic effects on the body, and people in space experience aging at a faster rate than people on Earth.

  • For our methods we are going to use two ways to get oxygen in space which are as follows :
    - Electrolysis : briefly explaining we are going to run electricity through the excessed CO₂ which is dissolved in water or we can say aquoes to then find Carbon and Oxygen Gas at the Cathode which is the negative electrode and we are going to find Hydrogen Gas and Hydroxide at the Anode which is the positive electrode.
    - Planting : we are going to plant some green plants which can maximize the production of Oxygen and since there is about 12 hours of sunlight in mars we can add an artificial sun which can emit the same waves as the sun like visible light, ultra violet light, infrared, radio waves, x-ray and gamma rays which our artificial sun with emit.

  • We used some recycleable materials to build the model of the rocket, suit and dome
    But for the actual model in real life we are going to use Magnesium Alloys to build the structure of the K-452 Rocket, Borosilicate Glass for the K-452 Dome and ortho-fabric, aluminized mylar, neoprene-coated nylon, dacron, urethane-coated nylon, tricot, nylon/spandex, stainless steel, and high strength composite materials for the K-452 Suit


Meet our founders!

Yassin Mohamed

Created the Website | Rocket | Spacesuit | Advertisement

Ahmed Sohail

Co-Founder | Spacesuit | Rocket Combustion | Assets Manager

Eyad Mahmoud

Spacesuit | Rocket

Hasindu Herath

Biodome | Cosmetic Designer

Contact Us

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Gems Westminister RAK, UAE

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